Friday 9 November 2012

Planning: What is a thriller?

The definition of a thriller is to thrill to keep the audience that you are targeting alert and on the edge of there seat. The protagonist is normally set against a problem a mystery or some kind of mission/challenge, this gives the film a chance to develop and move on through a series of obstacles that the protagonist has to face. Even if a Thriller is a sub genre is will still emphasis any danger that is represented in the film, and because it is the main theme in our introduction we need to include that sense of danger as a main theme. Thrillers tend to be fast moving with a lot of interesting and fast pace cuts between different shots from the camera. They also tend to be from the physiological genre and be very threatening for the protagonist and the characters involved in the movie but also to the audience that is watching it. The also seem to have a lot of mystery behind them and include some extreme villainy such as espionage, terrorism or consipiracy. My group has decided to go with the conspiracy side of things but because we aren't doing a full movie and just a title sequence we need to make this convention obvious in two minutes.

Thrillers are normally seen to have a sudden plot twist that surprise and adds interest to the narrative of the film or book. When the thriller genre is used through a T.V. series it normally adds a 'cliff hanger' to add suspense and to keep the audience intrigued and to ensure that they will watch next time its on. A thriller in conclusion is something that is deigned and made to keep the audience on edge with suspenseful and sensational action.

1 comment:

  1. you must stay on top of your blogging Frosty! You are far behind now and lacking in mnay aspects of planning and linking entries to research!
