Friday, 14 December 2012

Continuity task: Filming

We have finally filmed out continuity task ready for editing last wednesday. We decided to film our continuity task back to front because it was easier for both our actor Giles Westgarth and Imogen to attend as they had lessons. So instead of starting with the start we started with the end of our film which was the interaction between both characters in the chikara centre. First of all we set up the camera decided on the angles we were going to use and also placed our actor in the position we wanted him. In this part of our short film Bethany was in charge of the cinematography and Imogen was in charge of direction as me and Oscar were in the film. After we had done this part of our film we then went on to the beginning which was filmed in the cafe, we did exactly the same as in the chikara centre: set up the camera, discussed the angles and placed our actor. However this time i was doing the cinematography and Bethany was directing. I found this hard as i wasn't used to using either a tripod or a camera, however i enjoyed it and now overall feel a lot more confident when it comes to our film.

As you may notice Oscar had minor input with the direction or camera however he did the majority of the editing and sound/music which was his specialties and really showed off his skill.

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